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On demand
online course

250 min

20 videos

Part I

6 masterclasses de artistas en un curso corto

Latin American Surrealism?

This Short Course on Latin American Surrealism?, is a unique exploration of the artistic movement that emerged in the region in the 20th century. Each class will challenge the notion that subscribed Latin American artists to concepts like exotic, primitive, colourful and fantastic, merely following the footsteps of European Surrealists. Instead, you will learn how these groundbreaking artists actually created distinct movements that drew on local cultural, social, and political realities. This course includes 6 artist's masterclasses, where we will examine the cultural and political context in which these artists emerged, alongside their incredible lives and friendships that helped them develop their extraordinary practice.Ā  By the end of the course, you will have gained a deep understanding of the distinct nature of the work produced by these artists that distanced them quite drastically from Surrealism, allowing you to apply this knowledge to your own creative and intellectual pursuits.
Este Curso Corto sobre el Surrealismo Latinoamericano? es una exploraciĆ³n Ćŗnica del movimiento artĆ­stico que surgiĆ³ en la regiĆ³n en el siglo XX. Cada clase desafiarĆ” la nociĆ³n que suscribiĆ³ a los artistas latinoamericanos a conceptos como lo exĆ³tico, primitivo, colorido y fantĆ”stico, aludiendo que ellos simplemente siguieron los pasos de los surrealistas europeos. En cambio, este curso observarĆ” como su trabajo llevo a la creacion de movimientos artisticos Ćŗnicos basados en sus realidades culturales, sociales y polĆ­ticas locales. Este curso incluye 6 masterclasses, en donde examiraremos el contexto cultural y polĆ­tico en el que surgieron estos artistas. Igualmente, cada clase incluye un estudio a profundidad de su vida y sus relaciones sin los cuales no hubieran podido crear su increĆ­ble trabajo. Al final del curso, habrĆ”s adquirido una comprensiĆ³n profunda de la naturaleza distinta del trabajo producido por estos artistas que los distanciĆ³ drĆ”sticamente del surrealismo, permitiendote aplicar este conocimiento a tus propias actividades creativas e intelectuales.
Available now

250 min



20 videos

Artistas incluidos

Amelia Pelaez

Discover the artist that transformed modernism in Cuba while exploring her unique sense of national identity.

Frida Kahlo

Study 7 paintings by Frida Kahlo that revolutionised the role of women in Mexican society

Leonora Carrington

Expand your worldview and explore the artist who exposed an unexplored side of the human psyche, revolutionising the aesthetics of her time.

Remedios Varo

Break the boundaries of art and reality with the work of the artist that united art, science and mysticism, creating a worldview that had never been proposed before.

Wifredo Lam

Challenge preconceptions and study the story of an artist who helped to revalue and reconceptualise the black aesthetic in Latin America

Debora Arango

Learn the story of the first woman who not only painted and exhibited female nudes but created one of the first works of political satire art in Colombia during the 20th century.

Preguntas mƔs frecuentes

Lo que dicen los estudiantes

Que curioso! En su dĆ­a fui introducida a Wifredo Lam como el "Picasso Cubano" yo con poco de conocimiento de historia del arte sobre el contexto nunca lo vi como nada problemĆ”tico. Esta clase sin duda me ha cambiado la forma de pensar al respecto. Naiara

How curious! On day I was introduced to Wifredo Lam as the "Cuban Picasso" I, with little knowledge of art history about the context, never saw it as problematic. This class has definitely changed the way I think about it. Naiara

Esta clase me ha demostrado ideas/conceptos de las ciencias sociales y humanidades con las que yo soy familiar. Me impactĆ³ ver lo que representaba ser una artista mujer en ese contexto y como se pronunciaron fuertemente ante ello. Me encantĆ³: el arte no tiene que ver con la moral. Teresita

This class has shown me ideas/concepts from the social sciences and humanities with which I am familiar. I was shocked to see what it meant to be a female artist in that context and how they spoke out strongly about it. I loved the phrase: art has nothing to do with morality. Teresita

Preguntas mƔs frecuentes

ĀæNecesito tener algĆŗn conocimiento previo de historia del arte para tomar esta clase? 

He pagado por esta clase, ĀæquĆ© pasa ahora?

ĀæQuĆ© significa que esta clase es bilingĆ¼e?

¿Puedo hacerle preguntas al profesor?

Sobre el disertante

Daniela Galan

Daniela Galan is the founder and director of Amalgama. She is a registered lecturer at the Arts Society in the United Kingdom and has over 17 years of research in art history and philosophy. She has focused her investigation on artists from Latin America, especially female artists whose work remains underrepresented within the art industry. This was the founding purpose of Amalgama, which led her to curate numerous exhibitions, forums and publications since its inception in 2018.

ĀæPrefieres aprender sobre artistas individuales?

Explore nuestra selección de clases de historia del arte bilingües de artistas latinoamericanas

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